Light up your little one’s balance bike with this simple do-it-yourself headlight.
There’s not a lot to say here, glue something ferromagnetic (something magnets stick too) to the front of the balance bike and purchase a puck shaped utility light with a magnet on the back to stick to it. I used a washer and crazy glue, super simple, loads of fun. The light may slide off the washer in the event of a collision — but putting it back on is half the fun!
The balance bike my son has is the Kinderfeets TinyTot Wooden Balance Bike and Tricycle, which converts from a three-wheeled tricycle to a two-wheeled bike when they’re old enough.
- Kinderfeets TinyTot Wooden Balance Bike and Tricycle
- 24 LED Round Magnetic Work Light Torch
- Crazy Glue
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